At this time the world is allowing a great change for the planet and for humanity. Much like those allowing a great change in their body and their soul expression.
The changes in the body are pivotal for many and necessary for the expansion of love in humanity. The love in, around and through humanity is entering one of its growth phases that we are all eager to support.

Allow the change in your body. Allow the change in the structure of your planet. All is here to support the new vibrational framework and capacities over the next generations.
We say the courage of allowing this change and the generosity of allowing this change in a "disruptive" format is your great soul work as a collective.
We say the growth, the love, the connection of the collective is and will continue to grow. Again through changes in your body and changes in the "body" of the planet.
Trust. Allow. Know love.
For it is here now. Play the game and find it through the allowing of new vision, new senses and new love NOW.
janet's note: When I received this writing/message there were many visuals that I saw as well. When they mention the changes in the body, I saw people with cancer, arthritis, auto-immune, Autism and transgender, etc all going through changes in the body that held the space for a new level of love within them.
When they mention the structure of the planet changing, I saw the hurricane in Asheville and the fires in California and that these structural changes hold the space for a new level of love in humanity, in community.
And oh the humor the Wisdom Writings seems to always bring, came at the end with the comment of "Play the game"... I saw Where's Waldo books!!! So we are here now to allow and see with new vision, new senses the NEW love surrounding us and supporting us now.
Photo by Daniel Kordan