You don't have to tell me more than...twice. That's not true. BUT, sometimes when I hear something out of the blue twice in the same week; I listen...really listen.
"Janet use your Wisdom Writings to heal your body. Make it a dialogue and see what happens."
I heard that twice this week and I've done it twice this week. It is getting kind of fun, so I thought I would share the second round of Wisdom Writings with you.
Today, I started with an intention, ladled with a big dose of curiosity for moving forward.
I am eager, open and willing to be free and clear of fear habits today, and forever keeping clear of those habits. I am open and allowing a new habit and pathway that nurtures my desire for joy, discovery and contribution. It's fun being out in new discoveries.
I write that at the top of a clean sheet of paper in my big notebook. Then I take a deep breath and exhale...a feeling of surfing inside of me begins to arise. I move my favorite pen to the paper, and the flow begins:
It is powerful to be open, willing and eager. Allow yourself and others to know this. For the words are simple; yet the experience is core to the experience of one's self.
We applaud the release of one's self to allow the blooming of the true self--the divine self. And so many of you are ready; yet are looking for "answers". As the writer(Janet) knows the seeking of "answers" blocks the very experience desired.
We say getting it right supersedes the vibration and pathways of joy, creativity, beauty. For you think there is an "answer" in a text book. We say, oh dear human, the world is expanding and being created newly every moment, every second; just as you are. So "the answer" six months ago is not "the answer" now.

We say ask for creativity, love, joy and discovery to envelope you and expand you. Indeed be open to the greatest solutions for all. For we say you are part of the joy, discovery and love. Allow it to fill all cells, all pockets of fear and terror, sadness and grief in your body.
Breathe into that and then...don't hold your breath waiting to see if it worked! Move forward with the graciousness of gratitude for yourself and for the world as it evolves gently, lovingly, and most certainly.
We love you. Please keep connecting and indeed offer all writings to as many as you can.
I am learning to be courageous in sharing my journey. If you feel called to start creating and writing a dialogue with your inner wisdom, let me know. We can learn this together. You are a gift. Your gifts are numerous and eager to express :)
Much love,